
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October Dividend Income

October for me is another one of my "big" months as this is the month I receive one of my payouts from WPC (W.P. Carey REIT). Details are below, but I received $146.17 from 5 different stocks this month. These were reinvested to increase my annual dividends by $4.99. My new projected annual dividends are now at $1,290.76

Dividends - Amount I was paid from the stock
Annual Dividend - Amount that the stock pays annually for each share that is owned
Shares Purchased - Amount of shares I reinvested based on the dividends I received
Added Annual Dividends - Amount of additional annual dividends I plan to receive based on the additional shares.

October Dividends
TickerDividendsAnnual DividendShares PurchasedAdded Annual Dividends
* WPC and DPS are put into my FRIP account with Scottrade which is reinvested for free into stocks of my choice. This money went toward a purchase of 2 shares of TROW this month which pays 4.16 annually.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed investment professional. I am not liable for any losses suffered by any parties. Any information on this site is my opinion only and should not be used for investments of any kind.


  1. Gotta love that WPC payout! Nice work utilizing the FRIP plan in Scottrade to invest into a high quality company for free.

    Keep up the great work!


    1. Thanks ADD! Ya that WPC payout each quarter is pretty nice. I still need to lower my overall pct though. Don't like the risk of too many eggs in one basket. Thanks for stopping in!

  2. Solid October IWTRS. Receiving dividends, reinvesting dividends, growing your forward dividends. That's always a good thing in my book.

    1. Thanks PIP! Ever increasing is the name of the game. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Wonderful Adam. Thanks for logging your efforts. Stay committed and anything is possible.
    Cheers to us my friend and I wish you the best on this awesome journey. Take care.

    1. Thanks Much Hustler! Same luck to you. Talk soon!


  4. IWTRS

    Great October dividend income, we have 2 stocks in common: KO and PM, this are 2 of my core holdings.
    Keep the snowball rolling.

    Sharon - Divorcedff

    1. Glad to share the names with you Sharon! They are two solid long term companies for me! Thanks for the comment and stopping in!

  5. Nice WPC pay out. Of course, something to consider down the road is dividend income equality. It can become easy for a portfolio to become out of balance in terms of where the dividend income comes from. Just something to think about. In any case, solid showing for October. Happy to be a fellow KO and PM shareholder with you.

  6. I hear ya DIvHut! I plan on moving out of my large stake in WPC a bit at a time. I'm hoping in the next 6-9 months it will be an average portion of my portfolio. 2-5%. Until then I will enjoy it's nice dividend payouts. :) thanks for your thoughts!
